Tuesday, December 31, 2019
5 Minute Activities for Elementary School Teachers
Every elementary school teacher dreads that point of the day when they don’t have enough time to start a new lesson, but yet, they have a few extra minutes to spare before the bell rings. This â€Å"wait time†or â€Å"lull†is the perfect opportunity for a quick activity for the class. And, what’s great about this type of time-filler activity is that it requires little to no preparation and the students tend to think of them as â€Å"play†time. Check out these ideas: Mystery Box This five minute filler is a terrific way for students to develop their thinking strategies. Secretly place an item into a covered shoe box and ask the students to figure out what is inside without opening it. Allow them to use all of their senses to find out what is in the box: touch it, smell it, shake it. Suggest to them to ask â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no†questions such as, â€Å"Can I eat it?†or â€Å"Is it bigger than a baseball?†Once they figure out what the item is, open the box and let them see it. Sticky Notes This quick time filler helps students build their vocabulary and spelling skills. Write compound words in advance on sticky notes, dividing each half of the word into two notes. For example, write â€Å"base†on one note and â€Å"ball†on the other. Then, place one sticky note on each student’s desk. Then students can go around the classroom and find the peer who owns the note that makes the compound word. Pass the Ball A great way to reinforce fluency is to have the students sit on their desks and pass a ball while saying anything, from rhyming words to naming the capitals of the United States. This is a fun time filler where students will enjoy playing while reinforcing important learning concepts. The act of passing a ball engages students and keeps their attention, and encourages order within the classroom by limiting who is speaking and when. Should students get out of hand, use this as a teachable moment and review what it means to be respectful of each other. Line Up This is a great five minute activity to take your time lining the students up for lunch or a special event. Have all of the students remain in their seats and each student stands when they think you are talking about them. An example is, â€Å"This person wears glasses.†So all of the students who wear glasses would stand up. Then you say, â€Å"This person wears glasses and has brown hair.†Then whoever has glasses and brown hair would remain standing and then line up. Then you move on to another description and so on. You can modify this activity to last two minutes or even 15 minutes. Line up is a quick activity for children to reinforce their listening skills and comparatives. Hot Seat This game is similar to Twenty Questions. Randomly select a student to come up to the front board and have them stand with their back facing the white board. Then choose another student to come up and write a word on the board behind them. Limit the word that is written to a site word, vocabulary word, spelling word or anything that you are teaching. The goal of the game is for the student to ask his/her classmates questions in order to guess the word written on the board. Silly Story Challenge students to take turns making up a story. Have them sit in a circle, and one by one add a sentence to the story. For example, the first student would say, â€Å"Once upon a time there was a little girl that went to school, then she†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Then the next student would continue the story. Encourage children to stay on task and use appropriate words. This activity is the perfect opportunity for students to develop and use their imagination and creativity. This can also be turned into a longer project in which students collaborate on a digital document. Clean Up Have a clean-up countdown. Set a stopwatch or alarm and assign each student a specific number of items to clean up. Tell students, â€Å"Let’s beat the clock and see how fast we can clean up the classroom.†Make sure that you set rules ahead of time, and every student understands exactly where each item goes in the classroom. As an extra incentive, choose one item be the â€Å"trash of the day†and whoever picks up that item wins a small prize. Keep it Simple Think of the skills you want your students to grasp and prepare activities that correlate with that, then use those five minutes to practice those skills. Younger children can practice printing or coloring and older children can practice journal writing or do math drills. Whatever the concept is, prepare for it ahead of time and have it ready for those awkward in-between moments. Looking for more quick ideas? Try these review activities, brain breaks, and teacher-tested time savers.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Hiv, Its Origin And Evolutionary Effects Essay - 2370 Words
Philosophy of Biology Essay. TITLE: HIV, its origin and evolutionary effects. Name: Alice Herrera / 00053342 Contents Page Abstract.............................................................................................................1 Introduction........................................................................................................1-2 Origin of HIV.......................................................................................................3-4 How HIV is spread..............................................................................................5 How HIV resists drug effects.............................................................................6 HIV affects Human evolution.............................................................................7-9 Conclusion..........................................................................................................10 References..........................................................................................................11 Appendix.............................................................................................................12-13 Abstract. HIV is a quite detrimental virus that has caused much disruption during the 1980’s when it came to life. HIV is â€Å"one of the fastest evolving of all organisms†(Rambaut A. ET. Al. 2004) HIV has found ways in which to resist drugs and shows evolutionary mechanisms. The HIV virus has alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Human Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Essay770 Words  | 4 PagesThe human acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a retrovirus that is found in two forms HIV-1 and HIV-2. The AIDS virus is a relatively new virus receiving attention in the 1980’s. As quickly as it swept through the world, was as quickly it went to epidemic proportions. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a virus that enters and infects the body through sexual activity with an infected party. AIDS is a very infectious and dangerous virus that causes the death of many humans. AIDS isRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1359 Words  | 6 Pagesvirus (HIV) as well a s the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The virus has infected two million adults and children by the year 2005 already. The virus continues to race around the world, and new HIV infections are at 50,000 per year (Martine Peeters, Matthieu Jung, Ahidjo Ayouba) (2013). The final outcome of the HIV infection is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). There are many treatments that have developed to help the large number of people infected (Demmer, 2002). HIV greatlyRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1325 Words  | 6 PagesImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the agent causing AIDS, is arguably the deadliest infectious disease to affect humans. Not only because of the affects it has on the body by the eventual collapse of the immune system, but because it is a master at evading and escaping the immune responses and antiretroviral drugs by constantly mutating and maintaining genetic variation. Vaccines are designed to recognize specific viral antigens which makes it a lmost impossible to develop one against HIV. Recent studies haveRead MoreModern Day Methods Of Contracting1113 Words  | 5 Pagesexplained. Also, HIV and the different subfields this virus can be classified in are discussed throughout the research. As well as the where this virus was contracted, about the time when, and how it was possible. Also, the modern day methods of contracting this virus are listed in detail throughout the paper. The process of contraction of HIV through zoonotic transmissions is elaborated. An estimate on just how many of these animal-to-human transmissions that happened leading to HIV/AIDS is givenRead MoreHiv Is An Organism Of Human Beings Better And Understand How The Organisms On Earth Fit Together3212 Words  | 13 Pagesbeings better and understand how the organisms on earth fit together (Herron and Freeman 2014). One of these organisms is Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. HIV is an organism that directly affects humans, their health, an d even eventually, their own evolution. This is a very basic reason to understand the evolution of this organism. HIV is an RNA virus that is part of the retrovirus family called Lentivirinae. These specific retroviruses cause chronic diseases that progress at a slow rateRead MoreCharles Darwin : Father Of Evolution1582 Words  | 7 PagesCharles Darwin:Father of Evolution Charles Robert Darwin was born February 12, 1809. He is best known for his theory on evolution and and for his phenomenal book On the Origin of Species, which laid the foundation for evolutionary studies and is considered a landmark work in human history. Charles Darwin was a med school dropout but his real passion was for the great outdoors. Charles Darwin served as an unpaid naturalist on a science expedition on board HMS Beagle. The rich variety of animal andRead MoreUseful Medicinal Compounds Derived from Animals632 Words  | 3 Pagessystem can recognize. Finally, immune response will be triggered. Tumor cell can be killed by B-cell or Phagocyte. Over a hundred years ago, target drug idea has been proposed. If a drug can be delivery to the target site precisely, the adverse effect of the drug can be minimized. â€Å"Delivery the drug to the target site†became a challenge the scientist. In the 1970s, B-cell has been discovered and played essential role (Biotech Resources, 1995-7). Anyways, as the technology, antibody cannot be clonedRead MoreHow Human Disease Has Impacted Our Evolution1332 Words  | 6 Pageshelped mold our genetic make-up and cultural surroundings, but was it by chance or by evolutionary advantages? The biggest cultural shift to ever happen to the human species occurred about ten thousand years ago during the agricultural revolution. The advances in agriculture practices created a devastating domino effect that drastically altered the human way of life. Diseases, in particular, had a great effect on the population. At the time, many humans existed very close to one another and diseasesRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )5790 Words  | 24 PagesHIV The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Without treatment, average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen,Read MoreHiv Introduction10077 Words  | 41 PagesHIV From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search AIDS virus redirects here. For the computer virus, see AIDS (computer virus). For the village, see Hiv (village). For the administrative subdivision, see Hiv Rural District. HIV Classification and external resources Diagram of HIV ICD-10 B20-B24 ICD-9 042-044 OMIM 609423 MedlinePlus 000602 eMedicine article/783434 MeSH D006678 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Rough Draft on Drug Wars Free Essays
Rough Draft Thousands upon thousands of lives have been taken due to the huge demand for drugs crossing from Mexico into the United States. The murder rate is extremely high, and has caused so much chaos between both countries because of this. Drug dealers in the United States contact drug dealers in Mexico, and vice versa, to cross the drugs between borders illegally. We will write a custom essay sample on Rough Draft on Drug Wars or any similar topic only for you Order Now A high percentage of the time, either of the drug dealers from both sides will have a scape goat swim the border while carrying high amounts of drugs with them, or will attempt to cross it over smuggled in a vehicle. In Mexico, it is extremely corrupt and even the law enforcement is involved in the crossing of drugs illegally. This being done causes so much conflict between the two countries and it’s very scary for anyone living in the Mexico side of it, because wars will break out over the drugs almost daily and many people’s lives end up being taken because of this. Innocent people can be caught in between a gun fight and their lives are in extreme danger, which is another reason why this drug war continues to go on. Many families try and flee their country to come into the United States so their families do not have to live in danger, but if being caught trying to cross over illegally, there are extremely harsh consequences. It is sad to know that millions of families have to live in fear and are too scared to leave their houses because they are scared of being caught in between one of the many gun fights that break out. There have been many cases where the Mexican Cartels will hire the elderly people of Mexico, and sometimes even children, to be their drug traffickers, putting them at extreme risk of being badly hurt, incarcerated, or even murdered. The Mexican Cartels believe that using children or the elderly will make it look less likely to be any type of illegal activity, but in the mix of it all, they have had many of them hurt or in extreme trouble with the law. Drug wars are not only held between the United States and Mexico; there are so many other places dealing with the same problem and that is why we need to raise awareness on the situation more than we already have. There have been many attempts in causing this fight to end, but it is too big of a fight for anyone to be able to get ahold of everyone causing this chaos. Any drug cartel around the world could careless who gets ahold of their drugs as long as they’re making money, and they are putting our younger generations at risk of becoming addicted to the drugs they are passing out to the world. Addiction is so high and the effects are incredibly bad. The effects of addiction could either be hereditary, or something one has seen throughout their lives causing them to do exactly as they had seen. There needs to be more educational programs out there to teach every one of the effects of addiction. The strong effects of drug use affect your body and can eventually begin to start to deteriorate over time. Your brain, muscles, respiratory system, liver, and every part of your body will begin to deteriorate after long periods of using illegal substances. Drug use especially affects your brain and the way you allow your thoughts to flow. Drug users are very irresponsible and can only go on with their lives if they are getting high. It is a horrible thing to get into and can cause the one with the disease to not even be able to enjoy life anymore without feeling the effects of the drug they are addicted to. The way I believe we should educate others on the causes and effects of addiction are to hold seminars and educate the younger children in grade school. People who are educated on the extreme effects of drug use might actually not get into them with proper education. Those who were never educated on the effects of drug use are most likely going to be the ones to fall victim of peer pressure and eventually get into drugs themselves. In other cases, it is hard to avoid and can be picked up as a child, seeing family members or other individuals doing drugs. We should educate everyone, as well as having no tolerance laws when it comes to hard drugs and giving longer sentences to those who are caught with the drugs, instead of letting them off on probation or parole. Many people would completely disagree with allowing marijuana to be legal, but if you think about it, it could eventually cause the drug violence to end around the world. Marijuana has the least effects out of all the drugs in the world, and although people take it to the extreme, it is honestly a harmless drug and should not be causing this many people to have their lives taken over it. How to cite Rough Draft on Drug Wars, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Credit Analysis for Auto Spare Parts Company Essay Example For Students
Credit Analysis for Auto Spare Parts Company Essay As per our interviews with Zamia Company Hussein rarer Company, these companies helped us in our assessment of the SPIT managerial performance and for industry and market risk. Industry risk: We begin first by assessing the industry risk as it has its pros and cons as every other industry. Pros: ; Auto spare parts are not of a perishable nature and can be stored under regular conditions ; Different range of prices from the cheap non-original Chinese to the original parts ; Different sources and countries to get the products ; Its a necessity product if you own a car ; High profit margin in the retail sector and especially in the used spare parts ; The presence of new models and new technology ; Customer loyalty is heavily present in this kind of business Cons: ; Shipping cost and different currencies Large number of dealers ; Requires huge warehouses ; Marketing and advertisement are not involved ; Word Of mouth in Lebanon could highly affect a stores reputation Probability of outdated inventory because of the new coming car models Market Industry fragmentation: The market is not dominated by single players or monopolist, but its highly shared by many suppliers for the time being. This division is due to the diversity of sources and countries that are involved in such kind of industry Cyclical: This kind Of industry is a bit cyclical where it rises in the summer especially With he incoming of the tourists where car rental experience a high boost during this period thus resulting in car accidents or malfunctioning Of the cars. Its worth mentioning that this sector is elastic with the economy behavior. Competitors: 1. Theres no main competitor in this kind of business but some illegal small stores that doesnt pay taxes or rents could act as competitors for the legal stores. 2. Suppliers that imports from china, turkey, Taiwan and other countries could beat the prices of the original European or Japanese spare parts, 3. Chinese products having very low prices at nearly the same quality and design omitting with the original products. 4. The exclusive agencies are one of the most competitors especially tort the new spare parts. Macroeconomic trends: l. Political circumstances highly affected the industry negatively by lowering the purchasing power of individuals 2. Since this kind of industry is highly involved in trade and import/export, currency fluctuation would affect it, 3. Interest rates could also affect borrowers by encouraging or discouraging them to import from abroad 4_ Licensing allows only sole agents to deal with a specific trademark in one market. Compass risk: I) Pros: ) The company is operating for more than 35 years allowing it to build strong relationships with many key suppliers and customers and strong foothold in the market b) Is engaged only in new and original products targeting middle/ high class social society c) The company has its loyal customers that feel comfortable and prefer dealing with it d) Entity has continuity where the sons inherited the business from their father e) Subject is a well organized company having NON warehouses, a good number of staff and specialized managers. 2) Cons: a) Highly indebted b) The company isnt involved in Chinese products that are invading the market ND targeting mid and lower-class people. Evaluation of the management: The Spare Parts Import Trade co. Management is operating under an effective strategy, the company is able to compete with its competitors due to its high managerial capabilities, where each to the tour managers is specialized in a specific domain and working in a professional manner. They also have a strong relationship with many key suppliers and customers in addition to a strong foothold in the market. Not to forget the companys good name in the market and long experience which plays a role in attracting new customers. As for their legislation with banks it is not up to the companies achievements in sales and profits. The company has three ever green Joys with three different banks but this doesnt mean that it is having financial problems, thus they must work more on decreasing their leverage value through their profits. As for receivables the management is dealing with 200 small clients avoiding and minimizing the risk of concentrating its receivable in few large clients. The compass account payable shows that the company deals with suppliers through transfers and not Sacs which reflects the trustworthy of suppliers and strong supplier-company legislation but in the Other hand its a risky way to make transfers with a foreign country. Regarding inventory the allocation of the mechanical and body spare parts to 65% 35% is appropriate. As for the allocation Of European, Japanese and Korean cars should be adjusted as shown in the table below for economic and market reasons. Most people shifted from European cars to Japanese because they are cheaper and have spare cars cost, while others shifted to Korean cars which are even cheaper than Japanese but with less durability. But still each car brand has its market and loyal customers. They should also expand o other brands that are highly demanded in the market like Ionians, Peugeot and People. The company has high cost of labor and should make some adjustments like decreasing number of employees in some sections like marketing, clerks and book keeping and increase the number in delivery drivers, Labor cost and numbers must be adjusted as shown in the table below to be more efficient and decrease the cost of labor from MM to MM. Civil Rights Movement EssayWe can add also that lately USED MM of the retained earnings are added up to the capital to strengthen up the compass financial position. By time and if company continues with this rate of growth and expansion it can easily decrease its debts. Taking a look to the leverage ratio, we can see that its decreasing but at slow rate decreasing from I. I X to C. XX which is still unacceptable. Security: Our present security is the personal guarantee of the partners whose total net- Roth exceeds LIST MM Which is covering more than double Of their bank debt. The personal guarantee in our case is more than enough due to the fact that the company has been operating for more than AS years in the market giving it the know-how to continue and to be a leader. Future Plans: SPIT is being offered 2 different plans by establishing a new joint-venture in Eastern Europe or opening a new garage for auto maintenance. For both of them we need to assess the choices and pick one of them or suggest a third choice that can best fit the company: For the first plan it has its advantages and disadvantages: 1. Pros: a. Being AS years operating in the Lebanese market, the company needs a new market because the local one is almost saturated. B. The Eastern European market is a promising one after the transformation of the political c. Opening a joint-venture with an established company there can be regime. A good catch. D. Earning an additional profit e. Earning a whole new experience by discovering a new market. F. Expanding its network and its social connections. _ Lebanon isnt a safe and stable country to invest and expand in. 2. Cons: a. Entering a Whole new market isnt so easy to adapt With (taxation, currency, security, mafias B. Many Legal issues ca n face the SPITS while opening their new branch c. The import/export system is different than the Lebanese one that can make major problems d. Their financial status and bank debt doesnt permit to initiate a new costly project like this one. At the end this plan isnt the best one because its a big jump for a relatively medium local size company. Before traveling to Eastern Europe, SPIT should open in regional countries like Syria, Jordan, and Egypt before going worldwide. For the second plan which is opening a garage for auto maintenance it has its advantages and disadvantages: pros: It is a complementary business to spare parts ; Exploring a new domain ; Its a necessity kind of business ; Low operating cost after buying equipments ; Help them market their products ; Get feedback from customers about What products are more demanded and convenient Cons: ; High cost Of equipments needed to open a garage ; High amount of garages in Lebanon ; Customers are loyal to their garages ; Recruit new employees with no previous experience of the recruitment process ; Not specialized in car maintenance Opening a car maintenance garage is a good idea that is complementary o spare parts business but it needs specialty. It also needs high budget to buy equipments, machinery and computers The company needs to recruit employees mechanics with good experience which needs time. Recommend them to open a small garage as a start and after two to three years if it Vass profitable they can expand having in hand good experience, name in market and their own customers. As a third best choice, I recommend SPIT to open a new sister company having a different name where it could sell used parts or non-original parts having a greater profit margin or it could open some retail stores that have also high profit raging. Those 2 plans dont need big capital to initiate them and the SPIT could use its experience and social connections to make those plans a successful ones. Conclusion: As a credit officer am satisfied with the companys managerial and financial performance and especially for the recent ones having a straight growth rate and big experience in its pocket with some changes in the management mentioned above, As a banker see this company is rated as a good one and I would like to be the sole banker and take the whole risk because this company is a profitable en where it is using different kinds of facilities from overdraft to L/CSS to term loans. Also can benefit from the domestication of its employees where they can earn me extra money. I could also increase its facilities to finance one of the successful projects mentioned above after it decrease it debts a bit this is because SPITs management is a wise one and proved that along the years but I still fear if the family have a fight a split the company into 4 parts where each brother takes a part As for the Personal Guarantee will keep using it but I will add fire insurances for the current warehouses and for the future ones.
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